Buy members of telegram

Buy Telegram members

Buy Telegram Subscribers

Buy Telegram members


members of  telegram is the most important part of the telegram therefore our focus is on increasing the number of member of the telegram.

History :
The telegram messenger application was first launched on August 14, 2013 for the iPhone and then released the alpha version for Android on October 20, 2013. You can use the telegram in smartphones, tablets, windows, windows phone and Linux. You can also use multiple telegrams simultaneously and you need only one unique phone number in all of them. Telegram reached a record 200 million users therefore Telegram is a popular.

Introduction to “User Activities” in Telegram:
Telegram is a popular and practical application that gives users a lot of possibilities, which are announced below and fully explained.Telegram applications:

  • Messaging
  • Send photo
  • Upload movie
  • Having a group
  • Having the channelThe appearance of the theorem is very simple, but in the nature of these cases there is an economic world. Our attempt is to fully explain all of these.
Video Player

At the beginning of the discussion, account creation was explained


Types of members:


Inactive types:

Active types:
1. Forced Normal
2. Forced Hayden
3. target Members

Fake(unreal) member:
These channel members are unrealistic and have no activity

Inactivity. Disappearance. Total leaving after several months
Increase channel and group credit. No gradual leaving

Offline Member:
Disadvantages: inactivity and view of post is 0%
Advantages:Not leaving

Forced Normal:
Disadvantages: Decrease of 30% to 70%
Advantages: High activity. Real people. view of post is 3-10%

Forced Hayden:
Disadvantages: Decrease of 30% to 50%
Advantages: High activity. Real people. view of post 1-5%

The people are quite real and will be added to your channel by sending notifications

Advantages :
1-Very high quality
2-member targeted for a specific topic
3. Leaving is very low
4- Top view


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