Change user profile and settings on twitter

Change user profile and settings on twitter

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Change user profile and settings on twitterChange user profile and settings on twitter


change user profile :

1. In the top bar, click on the profile icon and select the Settings option; in the left pane, click on Profile.
2. Upload profile photo.
Click the “Choose file” button. Choose a photo with JPG, GIF, or PNG or a volume less than 700KB.

3. Enter the name, address, and website address of your website.
Using a full name apart from the username gives you a more professional aspect to your Twitter page. You can also write the tweeting where you want. Enter your website or blog address to add your followers to the site or website visitors list.

4. Work more on Biographies or Bio.
The description for your page should be interesting, appropriate and unique. So that when someone reads your story, he will be attracted to become one of your followers. Keep in mind that this biography can not exceed 160 letters. You do not need to enter your name and address here. These items are logged above. Use your limited space well.

5. If you wish, send your tweets to your facebook page.
This will increase the number of visits to your tweets. If you’d like, click the Posts your Tweets to Facebook button at the bottom of the page.

change user settings :

1. In the top bar, click on the profile icon and select Settings. In the left pane, click Account.
2. You can change your username and email address at the top.
3. Specify your language type.
In this section you can change the language of tweet to farsi. Open the Language list and click on Farsi.

4. Specify your time zone in the Time Zone list.
5. At the bottom of the page, you can deactivate your Twitter account by clicking Deactivate my account.
6. Click Save changes at the bottom of the page to apply the changes.